We have reached the Maas River! Last night we stayed in very cute B&B in a former toy store in Gennep …and as far as we know the toys did not come alive although we did hear some fireworks going off late in the evening!

Gennep is another very old town…the city hall was built circa 1400. It has the traditional bells which play a song on the hour…very pretty!

This morning we headed for the bridge over the Maas to the LF3 otherwise called the Maasroute

These guys were fishing…we saw a few more fishermen along the river today.

It was another lovely day of riding…

We were following another old Roman route…In Roman times, a road ran along the eastern bank of the Maas between Cuijk and Boxmeer: the Via Valentiana. The Romans have left their traces here in several places.

Another ferry crossing, but we opted to stay on the west side as there were fewer roads an less traffic.

Van Gogh comes to mind when taking in the gorgeous light on the sunflowers!

And one more ferry crossing! Then into Nieuw Bergen for some dinner fixins’ and back on the trail to our B&B near the town of Well.